This striking wood panel effect wallpaper has to be one of the most realistic and artistically attractive. Using Faux wood wallpaper for a feature wall provides a cost effective method to bring the outdoors in. Exceptionally textured and highlighting strips of wood with a vintage effect, wallpapers provide an on-trend finish to a rustic or industrial-theme. This would create a dramatic effect in the home and has a wide range of commercial possibilities and have the ability to create a calming and tranquil atmosphere.
Design Match:
- cm / cm
- .027 inches
- Class A Fire Rated/Fire Propagation Class 0; CE Class B under EN 15102:2007
- BS2782-pass* UK Test Result
- Pass
- Water-based environmentally friendly inks, free of cadmium, mercury and ozone depleting chemicals.
- Type II Osnaburg Wallcoverings.
- Metropol Parasol is a straight match pattern